Miao Zhao, Ph.D.

University of Rhode Island, Providence, RI, United States 
"Miao Zhao"


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Ruby Dholakia grad student 2003 University of Rhode Island
 (Attribute -level interactivity, satisfaction, and loyalty in the online environment.)
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Dholakia RR, Zhao M. (2010) Effects of online store attributes on customer satisfaction and repurchase intentions International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management. 38: 482-496
Zhao M, Dholakia RR. (2009) A multi-attribute model of web site interactivity and customer satisfaction: An application of the Kano model Managing Service Quality. 19: 286-307
Dholakia RR, Zhao M. (2009) Retail web site interactivity: How does it influence customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions? International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management. 37: 821-838
Dholakia RR, Zhao M, Dholakia N. (2005) Multichannel retailing: A case study of early experiences Journal of Interactive Marketing. 19: 64-74
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