Leonard Broom , Ph.D. (Duke)

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
"Leonard Broom "

Broom received his BS (Phi Beta Kappa, 1933) and AM (1934) from Boston University. He obtained his PhD in sociology from Duke University in 1937. Full-time positions in academia were rare for new PhDs during the Depression years. Broom had temporary appointments at Clemson University (1937-38) and Kent State University (1938-41) before he obtained a tenure-track appointment at University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1941. He was the second sociologist appointed to UCLA’s newly established department of sociology and anthropology. He remained at UCLA until 1959, during the department’s development years, and was department chair from 1952-57. While at UCLA, he was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship in 1950 for research study in Jamaica, a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1958 for a research study in Australia, and was editor of the American Sociological Review from 1955 -1957. From 1959-71, he was the Ashbel Smith Professor of Sociology at The University of Texas-Austin and chair of that department from 1959-66. While at Texas, he was awarded a visiting fellowship to the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford (1962-1963). From 1971-1976, he was professor of sociology in the Institute of Advanced Studies at The Australian National University, Emeritus Professor from 1977, and Honorary Fellow from 1977-1979. He was affiliated with the department of sociology at University of California-Santa Barbara (UCSB) where he was a research associate from 1977 onward. He moved to Santa Barbara in 1980 and was academically active throughout his retirement years at UCSB, with visiting appointments at Churchill College of the University of Cambridge (1975 and 1977), the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (1983), and at Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet, Munchen, Germany (1991). He was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, the Royal Anthropological Institute, and was awarded a DSc (hon) by Boston University.

Beginning with his PhD dissertation on The Acculturation of the Eastern Cherokee, Broom had a lifelong research interest in social differentiation and stratification and in the impact of government policies on minority peoples, always with a view of bringing empirical evidence into any assessment of outcomes.
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