Graham A. Tobin
Affiliations: | Anthropology | University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, United States |
Cultural Anthropology, Water Resource ManagementGoogle:
"Graham Tobin"Children
Sign in to add traineeErin P. Hughey | grad student | 2008 | University of South Florida |
Amanda H. Gilleland | grad student | 2010 | University of South Florida |
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Ayivor JS, Gordon C, Tobin GA, et al. (2020) Evaluation of management effectiveness of protected areas in the Volta Basin, Ghana: perspectives on the methodology for evaluation, protected area financing and community participation Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. 22: 239-255 |
Hutton NS, Tobin GA, Whiteford LM. (2016) Modeling Nonprofit Resilience in Long-Term Recovery in Christchurch, New Zealand Professional Geographer. 1-10 |
Faas AJ, Jones E, Whiteford L, et al. (2014) Gendered Access to Formal and Informal Resources in Postdisaster Development in the Ecuadorian Andes Mountain Research and Development. 34: 223-234 |
Whiteford LM, Tobin GA, Vindrola-Padros C, et al. (2013) We have to think about the children: Parenting responses in chronic natural disasters International Journal of Emergency Management. 9: 59-75 |
Freeman JA, Tobin GA. (2011) Assessment of an Emergency Disaster Response to Floods in Agadez, Niger Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy. 2: 1-19 |
Tobin GA, Whiteford LM, Jones EC, et al. (2011) The role of individual well-being in risk perception and evacuation for chronic vs. acute natural hazards in Mexico Applied Geography. 31: 700-711 |
Kusenbach M, Simms JL, Tobin GA. (2010) Disaster vulnerability and evacuation readiness: Coastal mobile home residents in Florida Natural Hazards. 52: 79-95 |
Kuhar SE, Nierenberg K, Kirkpatrick B, et al. (2009) Public perceptions of Florida red tide risks. Risk Analysis : An Official Publication of the Society For Risk Analysis. 29: 963-9 |
Tobin GA. (2009) Water Promises: Much Ado about Nothing - As Profitless as Water in a Sieve?1 Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education. 142: 1-3 |
Tobin GA. (2009) Distress and Disasters: Positive Outcomes of the Great Midwestern Floods of 1993 Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education. 130: 49-60 |