Shawn M. Rowe, Ph.D.

2002 Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO 
Educational Psychology Education
"Shawn Rowe"


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James Wertsch grad student 2002 Washington University
 (Activity and discourse in museums: A dialogic perspective on meaning making.)
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Rowe SM. (2016) Re-authoring research conversations: beyond epistemological differences and toward transformative experience for researchers and educators Cultural Studies of Science Education. 11: 183-193
Kopczak C, Kisiel JF, Rowe S. (2015) Families talking about ecology at touch tanks Environmental Education Research. 21: 129-144
Kisiel J, Rowe S, Vartabedian MA, et al. (2012) Evidence for family engagement in scientific reasoning at interactive animal exhibits Science Education. 96: 1047-1070
Rowe SM, Wertsch JV, Kosyaeva TY. (2002) Linking little narratives to big ones: Narrative and public memory in history museums Culture and Psychology. 8: 96-112
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