Michael Chazan

Anthropology University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Archaeology Anthropology
"Michael Chazan"
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Rhodes S, Banning EB, Chazan M. (2020) Mugharat an-Nachcharini: A specialized sheep-hunting camp reveals high-altitude habitats in the earliest Neolithic of the Central Levant. Plos One. 15: e0227276
Lukich V, Cowling S, Chazan M. (2020) Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Kathu Pan, South Africa, based on sedimentological data Quaternary Science Reviews. 230: 106153
Richard M, Chazan M, Porat N. (2020) Single grain TT-OSL ages for the Earlier Stone Age site of Bestwood 1 (Northern Cape Province, South Africa) Quaternary International
Ecker M, Brink JS, Rossouw L, et al. (2018) The palaeoecological context of the Oldowan-Acheulean in southern Africa. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Chazan M, Horwitz LK, Ecker M, et al. (2017) Renewed excavations at Wonderwerk Cave, South Africa. Evolutionary Anthropology. 26: 258-260
Ecker M, Brink J, Chazan M, et al. (2017) Radiocarbon Dates Constrain the Timing of Environmental and Cultural Shifts in the Holocene Strata of Wonderwerk Cave, South Africa Radiocarbon. 59: 1067-1086
Watts I, Chazan M, Wilkins J. (2016) Early evidence for brilliant ritualized display: Specularite use in the northern cape (South Africa) between ~500 and ~300 Ka Current Anthropology. 57: 287-310
Macdonald DA, Chazan M, Janetski JC. (2016) The Geometric Kebaran occupation and lithic assemblage of Wadi Mataha, Southern Jordan Quaternary International. 396: 105-120
Rhodes SE, Walker MJ, López-Jiménez A, et al. (2016) Fire in the Early Palaeolithic: Evidence from burnt small mammal bones at Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Río Quípar, Murcia, Spain Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 9: 427-436
Matmon A, Hidy AJ, Vainer S, et al. (2015) New chronology for the southern Kalahari Group sediments with implications for sediment-cycle dynamics and early hominin occupation Quaternary Research (United States). 84: 118-132
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