Amy L. Rector, Ph.D.

2010 Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
Physical Anthropology, Archaeology Anthropology, African Studies, South African Studies, General Biology, Paleoecology
"Amy Rector"


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Kaye E. Reed grad student 2010 Arizona State
 (Mammal community evolution and biogeography through time in the Western Cape, South Africa.)
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Rector AL, Vergamini M. (2018) Forelimb morphology and substrate use in extant Cercopithecidae and the fossil primate community of the Hadar sequence, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolution
Reed KE, Spencer LM, Rector AL. (2013) Faunal approaches in early hominin paleoecology Early Hominin Paleoecology. 3-34
Matthews T, Rector A, Jacobs Z, et al. (2011) Environmental implications of micromammals accumulated close to the MIS 6 to MIS 5 transition at Pinnacle Point Cave 9 (Mossel Bay, Western Cape Province, South Africa) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 302: 213-229
Rector AL, Reed KE. (2010) Middle and late Pleistocene faunas of Pinnacle Point and their paleoecological implications. Journal of Human Evolution. 59: 340-57
Rector AL, Verrelli BC. (2010) Glacial cycling, large mammal community composition, and trophic adaptations in the Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Human Evolution. 58: 90-102
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