Richard L. Lanigan

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL 
Speech Communication, Cultural Anthropology
"Richard Lanigan"
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Lanigan RL. (2013) Information theories Theories and Models of Communication. 59-83
Lanigan RL. (2005) Paradigm Shifts: Recalling the Early ICA and the Later PHILCOM The Communication Review. 8: 377-382
Lanigan RL. (1994) Capta versus data: Method and evidence in communicology Human Studies. 17: 285
Lanigan RL. (1988) Is Erving Goffman a Phenomenologist Critical Studies in Media Communication. 5: 335-345
Lanigan RL. (1982) Introduction: Two philosophies of communication Semiotica. 41: 1-4
Lanigan RL. (1982) Semiotic Phenomenology: A Theory Of Human Communication Praxis Journal of Applied Communication Research. 10: 62-73
Lanigan RL. (1979) A Semiotic Metatheory of Human Communication Semiotica. 27: 293-306
Lanigan RL. (1978) Contemporary philosophy of communication Quarterly Journal of Speech. 64: 335-347
Lanigan RL. (1975) The speech act theory of interpersonal communication: Stimulus for research Journal of Applied Communication Research. 3: 98-101
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