William M. Denevan

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
Geography, Archaeology Anthropology
"William Denevan"


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James J. Parsons grad student 1956-1963 UC Berkeley
 (M.S. 1958: The Upland Pine Forests of Nicaragua: A Study in Cultural Plant Geography. Ph.D. dissertation 1963: The Aboriginal Cultural Geography of the Llanos de Mojos of Bolivia)


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Bernard Q. Neitschmann grad student UW Madison (GeograTree)
Roger Byrne grad student 1973 UW Madison (Chemistry Tree)
Gregory W. Knapp grad student 1984 UW Madison
William G. Gartner grad student 2003 UW Madison
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Denevan WM. (2016) After 1492: Nature Rebounds Geographical Review. 106: 381-398
Clement CR, Denevan WM, Heckenberger MJ, et al. (2015) The domestication of Amazonia before European conquest. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 282: 20150813
Denevan WM. (2012) Rewriting the late pre-European history of Amazonia Journal of Latin American Geography. 11: 9-24
Denevan WM. (2011) The "pristine myth" revisited Geographical Review. 101: 576-591
Dull RA, Nevle RJ, Woods WI, et al. (2010) The Columbian encounter and the little ice age: Abrupt land use change, fire, and greenhouse forcing Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 100: 755-771
Denevan WM. (2002) Bernard Q. Nietschmann, 1941-2000 Mr. Barney, geographer and humanist Geographical Review. 92: 104-109
Denevan WM. (1998) Comments on Prehistoric Agriculture in Amazonia Classical Antiquity. 20: 54-59
Denevan WM. (1993) The 1931 Shippee-Johnson Aerial Photography Expedition to Peru Geographical Review. 83: 238
Denevan WM. (1992) The Pristine Myth: The Landscape of the Americas in 1492 Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 82: 369-385
Denevan WM. (1971) Campa Subsistence in the Gran Pajonal, Eastern Peru Geographical Review. 61: 496
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