Laurie A. Walker, Ph.D.

2011 Social Work University of Denver, Denver, CO, United States 
Social Work, Public and Social Welfare
"Laurie Walker"


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Jean F. East grad student 2011 University of Denver
 (A mixed-methods study of resident readiness, engagement, and relocation during mixed-income redevelopment.)
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Walker LA, East JF. (2018) The Roles of Foundations and Universities in Redevelopment Planning Metropolitan Universities. 29
Walker LA, Ince D, Riphenburg-Reese A, et al. (2018) Predicting Resident Involvement in Neighborhood and Voluntary Groups in a Latino/Latina Neighborhood Undergoing Transit-Oriented Development and Gentrification: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 47: 1135-1154
Walker LA, Aguayo A. (2016) Impact of Crime Tolerance in Low-Income Housing on Neighbor Cohesion and Collective Efficacy: Families in Society-the Journal of Contemporary Social Services. 97: 41-49
Walker LA. (2015) Community-Level Engagement in Public Housing Redevelopment Urban Affairs Review. 51: 871-904
Walker LA. (2015) The Cost of Good Intentions: Thermal Discomfort in Traditional Public Housing Units With Preset Thermostats Housing Policy Debate. 25: 152-178
Walker LA. (2015) Public Housing Residents' Neighbors and Neighborhood: Good, Neutral, or Troublesome/Unstable Journal of Social Service Research. 1-20
Walker LA. (2014) Resident responses to Section 8 relocation outcomes: "If you're gonna move, you want to move up". Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work. 11: 97-113
Walker LA, East JF. (2014) The Benefits of Including Engaged Residents and Professionals in Low-Income Neighborhood Redevelopment Planning Processes Journal of Community Practice. 22: 342-364
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