Suliman Hawamdeh

University of North Texas, Denton, TX, United States 
Criminology and Penology, Medical and Forensic Anthropology, Middle Eastern History, Middle Eastern Studies
"Suliman Hawamdeh"
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Chang H, Wang C, Hawamdeh S. (2019) Emerging trends in data analytics and knowledge management job market: extending KSA framework Journal of Knowledge Management. 23: 664-686
Hawamdeh S. (2018) Knowledge Management Theory and Practice. (3rd ed.) KimizDalkir. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2017. 552 pp. $65.00 (hardcover). (ISBN 9780262036870) Journal of the Association For Information Science and Technology. 69: 1521-1522
Horne SB, Hawamdeh S. (2015) Factors Impacting the Implementation of Enterprise Content Management Systems Journal of Information and Knowledge Management. 14
Can A, Hawamdeh S. (2013) Organizational Justice and the Intent to Share: Knowledge Sharing Practices among Forensic Experts in Turkey Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice. 1: 12-37
Cordeiro‐Nilsson CM, Hawamdeh S. (2011) Leveraging socio-culturally situated tacit knowledge Journal of Knowledge Management. 15: 88-103
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