Carl Knappett

Art University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Art History, Archaeology Anthropology
"Carl Knappett"
Cross-listing: Art History Tree

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Bogucki P, Chapman J, Knappett C, et al. (2013) Comments: Material Culture, Landscapes of Action, and Emergent Causation: A New Model for the Origins of the European Neolithic Current Anthropology. 54: 673-678
Knappett C, Nikolakopoulou I. (2008) Colonialism Without Colonies? : A Bronze Age Case Study From Akrotiri, Thera Hesperia. 77: 1-42
Knappett C, Evans T, Rivers R. (2008) Modelling maritime interaction in the Aegean Bronze Age Antiquity. 82: 1009-1024
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