Jacob L. Fisher

California State University, Sacramento, Sacramento, CA, United States 
Archaeology, zooarchaeology, human behavioral ecology
"Jacob Fisher"
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Fisher JL. (2020) Diversity of forager lifeways in the prehistoric past Antiquity. 94: 533-535
Fisher J. (2018) Archaeology and Biogeography of the Western Pond Turtle (Actinemys marmorata) in the Puget Sound Region Ethnobiology Letters. 9: 180-188
Fisher JL. (2018) Protohistoric artiodactyl rebound and resource deintensification in northern California Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 19: 420-429
Fisher JL, Valentine B. (2013) Resource depression, climate change, and mountain sheep in the eastern Great Basin of western North America Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 5: 145-157
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