Geoffrey E. Braswell

University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
anthropology, Maya archaeology
"Geoffrey Braswell"
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Stroth L, Otto R, Daniels JT, et al. (2019) Statistical artifacts: Critical approaches to the analysis of obsidian artifacts by portable X-ray fluorescence Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 24: 738-747
Braswell GE. (2017) Recent Discoveries in the Classic Maya Palace Complex of Nim li Punit, Belize Journal of Field Archaeology. 42: 69-81
Stemp WJ, Braswell GE, Helmke CGB, et al. (2017) An ancient Maya ritual cache at Pook's Hill, Belize: Technological and functional analyses of the obsidian blades Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 18: 889-901
Somerville AD, Schoeninger MJ, Braswell GE. (2016) Political alliance, residential mobility, and diet at the ancient Maya city of Pusilha, Belize Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 41: 147-158
Braswell GE, Paap I, Glascock MD. (2011) The obsidian and ceramics of the puuc region: Chronology, lithic procurement, and production at Xkipche, Yucatan, Mexico Ancient Mesoamerica. 22: 135-154
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