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Daniel R. Lynch grad student 1986 Dartmouth (Physics Tree)
John Walter Strohbehn grad student 1986 Dartmouth (Physics Tree)
 (Finite, boundary, and hybrid element solution of the Maxwell equations for simulating hyperthermic treatment of cancer.)


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Todd E. Kerner grad student 2001 Dartmouth
Elijah E. Van Houten grad student 2001 Dartmouth
Kendra S. Osterman grad student 2002 Dartmouth
Karen E. Lunn grad student 2004 Dartmouth
Hai Sun grad student 2004 Dartmouth
Christina Skourou grad student 2007 Dartmouth
Bin Xie grad student 2007 Dartmouth
Scott C. Davis grad student 2008 Dartmouth
Phillip R. Perrinez grad student 2008 Dartmouth
Colin M. Carpenter grad student 2009 Dartmouth
Fenghong Liu grad student 2009 Dartmouth
Pablo A. Quevedo grad student 2011 Dartmouth
Xiaoyao Fan grad student 2012 Dartmouth
Neil R. Epstein grad student 2013 Dartmouth
Matthew D. McGarry grad student 2013 Dartmouth
Matthew J. Pallone grad student 2013 Dartmouth
Adam J. Pattison grad student 2013 Dartmouth
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Scorzo AV, Byrd BK, Kwon CY, et al. (2024) Whole-body fluorescence cryotomography identifies a fast-acting, high-contrast, durable contrast agent for fluorescence-guided surgery. Theranostics. 14: 6426-6445
Zhao M, Cao X, Feng J, et al. (2024) MRI-guided Near-infrared Spectroscopic Tomography (MRg-NIRST) Imaging System with Wearable Breast Optical Interface for Breast Cancer Imaging. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering
Scorzo AV, Kwon CY, Strawbridge RR, et al. (2024) Comparing fluorescent contrast agents for fluorescence guided surgery using 3-D cryo-imaging. Proceedings of Spie--the International Society For Optical Engineering. 12825
Scorzo AV, Kwon CY, Strawbridge RR, et al. (2024) Comparing spatial distributions of ALA-PpIX and indocyanine green in a whole pig brain glioma model using 3D fluorescence cryotomography. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 30: S13704
Hoopes PJ, Tavakkoli AD, Moodie KA, et al. (2024) Porcine-human glioma xenograft model. Immunosuppression and model reproducibility. Cancer Treatment and Research Communications. 38: 100789
Li C, Fan X, Aronson JP, et al. (2023) Model-based image updating in deep brain stimulation with assimilation of deep brain sparse data. Medical Physics
Zhao M, Zhou M, Cao X, et al. (2023) Stable tissue-mimicking phantoms for longitudinal multimodality imaging studies that incorporate optical, CT, and MRI contrast. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 28: 046006
Marois M, Olson JD, Wirth DJ, et al. (2023) A birefringent spectral demultiplexer enables fast hyper-spectral imaging of protoporphyrin IX during neurosurgery. Communications Biology. 6: 341
Jyoti D, McGarry M, Caban-Rivera DA, et al. (2023) Transversely-isotropic brain in vivo MR elastography with anisotropic damping. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 141: 105744
Henderson ER, Hebert KA, Werth PM, et al. (2022) Fluorescence guidance improves the accuracy of radiological imaging-guided surgical navigation. Journal of Surgical Oncology
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