Cem S. Un, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2013 | Physics and Astronomy | University of Delaware, Newark, DE, United States |
"Cem Un"Parents
Sign in to add mentorQaisar Shafi | grad student | 2013 | University of Delaware | |
(Higgs boson, sparticle masses and neutralino Dark Matter in Yukawa unified models.) |
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Altın Z, Kırca Z, Tanımak T, et al. (2020) Stop Search in SUSY SO(10) GUTs with Nonuniversal Gaugino Masses European Physical Journal C. 80: 1-20 |
Gómez ME, Shafi Q, Ün CS. (2020) Testing Yukawa unification at LHC Run-3 and HL-LHC Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020 |
Raza S, Shafi Q, Ün CS. (2019) b - τ Yukawa unification in SUSY SU(5) with mirage mediation: LHC and dark matter implications Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019: 46 |
Çiçi A, Kırca Z, Ün CS. (2018) Light Stops and Fine-Tuning in MSSM European Physical Journal C. 78: 60 |
Hiçyılmaz Y, Selbuz L, Solmaz L, et al. (2018) Charged Higgs boson in MSSM and beyond Physical Review D. 97: 115041 |
Altın Z, Özdal Ö, Un CS. (2018) Muon g-2 in an alternative quasi-Yukawa unification with a less fine-tuned seesaw mechanism Physical Review D. 97: 55007 |
Hiçyılmaz Y, Solmaz L, Tanyıldızı ŞH, et al. (2018) Least fine-tuned U (1) extended SSM Nuclear Physics. 933: 275-298 |
Rose LD, Khalil S, King SJD, et al. (2018) Sneutrino Dark Matter in the BLSSM Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018: 100 |
Rose LD, Khalil S, King SJD, et al. (2017) Naturalness and dark matter in the supersymmetric B-L extension of the standard model Physical Review D. 96: 55004 |
Hebbar A, Shafi Q, Un CS. (2017) Light Higgsinos, Heavy Gluino and $b-τ$ Quasi-Yukawa Unification: Will the LHC find the Gluino? Physical Review D. 95: 115026 |