Eder M. Sousa, Ph.D.

2014 Aeronautics and Astronautics University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
Fluid and Plasma Physics, Applied Mathematics
"Eder Sousa"


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Uri Shumlak grad student 2014 University of Washington
 (A Blended Finite Element Method for Multi-Fluid Plasma Modeling.)
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Abrantes RJE, Sousa É, Bilyeu DL, et al. (2020) Complexity-reduction using automatic level grouping for atomic collisional-radiative models Journal of Computational Physics. 407: 109213
Sousa E, Shumlak U. (2016) A blended continuous–discontinuous finite element method for solving the multi-fluid plasma model Journal of Computational Physics. 326: 56-75
Sousa ÉM, Lin G, Shumlak U. (2015) Uncertainty quantification of the gem challenge magnetic reconnection problem using the multilevel Monte Carlo method International Journal For Uncertainty Quantification. 5: 327-339
Shumlak U, Lilly R, Reddell N, et al. (2011) Advanced physics calculations using a multi-fluid plasma model Computer Physics Communications. 182: 1767-1770
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