Angelos Misiriotis

2001 University of Crete, Greece 
"Angelos Misiriotis"

Angelos Misiriotis was born in Athens (Greece) on November 6, 1971. He obtained his BSc in Physics from the University of Patras in 1995 and his PhD in Theoretical Astrophysics in 2001, from the Dept. of Physics of the University of Crete, under the supervision of Prof. Nick Kylafis. During his PhD studies he spent two years at the Observatory of Marseille, where he collaborated with Dr. Lia Athanassoula and her group. His research interests included the morphology and dynamics of spiral galaxies and until his passing away on January 4, 2008 at the age of 37, he had published 12 refereed papers in these areas. He is survived by his wife Anastasia and his children Nestor and Iro.

Cross-listing: Physics Tree

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Misiriotis A, Xilouris EM, Papamastorakis J, et al. (2006) The distribution of the ISM in the Milky Way - A three-dimensional large-scale model Astronomy and Astrophysics. 459: 113-123
Dasyra KM, Xilouris EM, Misiriotis A, et al. (2005) Is the galactic submillimeter dust emissivity underestimated Astronomy and Astrophysics. 437: 447-456
Misiriotis A. (2005) Can rotation curves reveal the opacity of spiral galaxies Astronomy and Astrophysics. 440: 67-71
Alton PB, Xilouris EM, Misiriotis A, et al. (2004) The emissivity of dust grains in spiral galaxies Astronomy and Astrophysics. 425: 109-120
Misiriotis A, Papadakis IE, Kylafis ND, et al. (2004) Dust masses and star formation in bright IRAS galaxies. Application of a physical model for the interpretation of FIR observations Astronomy and Astrophysics. 417: 39-50
Misiriotis A, Bianchi S. (2002) The influence of clumping on surface brightness fits of edge-on spiral galaxies Astronomy and Astrophysics. 384: 866-871
Kylafis ND, Misiriotis A, Papamastorakis J, et al. (2001) Modelling the Dust Content of Spiral Galaxies Astrophysics and Space Science. 276: 531-538
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