Burrhus Frederic Skinner

Psychology Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Burrhus Skinner"


Cross-listing: Neurotree - PsychTree


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Edwin G. Boring grad student Harvard (Neurotree)
Walter S. Hunter grad student 1930-1930 Harvard (Neurotree)
 (Walter S. Hunter taught Skinner. Source Herb Simon/Karl Duncker & Cognitive Psychology)
William John Crozier grad student 1928-1936 Harvard (Neurotree)


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Bart G. Hoebel research assistant Harvard (Neurotree)
L.  Benjamin Wyckoff research assistant Indiana University Bloomington (PsychTree)
Douglas Anger grad student Harvard (Neurotree)
Nathan Azrin grad student NOVA Southeastern University (PsychTree)
Keller Breland grad student University of Arksas (Neurotree)
John B. Carroll grad student (Neurotree)
A. Charles Catania grad student Harvard (PsychTree)
Lewis R. Gollub grad student Harvard (Neurotree)
Joel Greenspoon grad student Indiana University Bloomington (Neurotree)
Norman Guttman grad student Harvard (Neurotree)
Richard J. Herrnstein grad student Harvard (Neurotree)
Harlan Lane grad student Harvard (LinguisTree)
Parker E. Lichtenstein grad student (Neurotree)
Eleanor Maccoby grad student Harvard (PsychTree)
William H. Morse grad student Harvard University - Psychology Department (Neurotree)
E Sue Savage-Rumbaugh grad student (Neurotree)
Herbert S. Terrace grad student Harvard (Neurotree)
Meg Waraczynski grad student U. Wisconsin, Whitewater (Neurotree)
Ben A. Williams grad student Harvard (Neurotree)
William K. Estes grad student 1943 UMN (Neurotree)
Ogden R. Lindsley grad student 1957 Harvard (PsychTree)
Allen Neuringer grad student 1962-1967 Harvard (Neurotree)
Frances K. McSweeney grad student 1969-1974 Department of Psychology - Harvard University (PsychTree)
Byron Campbell post-doc Princeton (Neurotree)
Charles B. Ferster post-doc Harvard (Neurotree)
Lloyd  E. Homme post-doc Harvard (PsychTree)
Nancy K. Mello post-doc Harvard (Neurotree)
Maria Martha Costa Hübner post-doc 1995-1997 (Neurotree)


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Sidney Bijou collaborator Indiana University Bloomington (Neurotree)
Fred Simmons Keller collaborator Harvard (Neurotree)
Jacob Robert Kantor collaborator 1937-1940 Harvard (PsychTree)
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Skinner BF. (1988) The operant side of behavior therapy. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 19: 171-9
Skinner BF. (1988) Whatever happened to psychology as the science of behavior? Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 1: 111-122
Skinner BF. (1987) Expanding the Operant Analysis Psyccritiques. 32: 505-506
Skinner BF. (1986) The evolution of verbal behavior. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 45: 115-22
Skinner BF. (1986) What Is Wrong With Daily Life in the Western World? American Psychologist. 41: 568-574
Skinner BF. (1986) Is it behaviorism? Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 9: 716
Skinner BF. (1984) The evolution of behavior. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 41: 217-21
Skinner BF. (1984) Reply to Harnad Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 7: 721-724
Skinner BF. (1984) The phylogeny and ontogeny of behavior Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 7: 669-677
Skinner BF. (1984) An operant analysis of problem solving Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 7: 583-591
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