Sean Ehlman

University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
"Sean Ehlman"
Cross-listing: Evolution Tree


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Andrew (Andy) Sih grad student UC Davis
Max Wolf post-doc (Evolution Tree)
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Scherer U, Ehlman SM, Bierbach D, et al. (2023) Reproductive individuality of clonal fish raised in near-identical environments and its link to early-life behavioral individuality. Nature Communications. 14: 7652
Snell-Rood EC, Ehlman SM. (2023) Developing the genotype-to-phenotype relationship in evolutionary theory: A primer of developmental features. Evolution & Development
Ehlman SM, Scherer U, Bierbach D, et al. (2023) Leveraging big data to uncover the eco-evolutionary factors shaping behavioural development. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 290: 20222115
Ehlman SM, Scherer U, Wolf M. (2022) Developmental feedbacks and the emergence of individuality. Royal Society Open Science. 9: 221189
Pollack L, Munson A, Savoca MS, et al. (2021) Enhancing the ecological realism of evolutionary mismatch theory. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Crowley PH, Trimmer PC, Spiegel O, et al. (2019) Predicting Habitat Choice after Rapid Environmental Change. The American Naturalist. 193: 619-632
Ehlman SM, Trimmer PC, Sih A. (2019) Prey Responses to Exotic Predators: Effects of Old Risks and New Cues. The American Naturalist. 193: 575-587
Saaristo M, Brodin T, Balshine S, et al. (2018) Direct and indirect effects of chemical contaminants on the behaviour, ecology and evolution of wildlife. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 285
Davis BE, Komoroske LM, Hansen MJ, et al. (2018) Juvenile rockfish show resilience to CO-acidification and hypoxia across multiple biological scales. Conservation Physiology. 6: coy038
Trimmer PC, Ehlman SM, McNamara JM, et al. (2017) The erroneous signals of detection theory. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 284
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