Frank A. Pintar

Biomedical Engineering Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, United States 
Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics Biophysics
"Frank Pintar"
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Ortiz-Paparoni M, Op 't Eynde J, Eckersley C, et al. (2024) Expanded Combined Loading Injury Criterion for the Human Lumbar Spine Under Dynamic Compression. Annals of Biomedical Engineering
Cronn S, Somasundaram K, Driesslein K, et al. (2024) Sex-related disparities in vehicle crash injury and hemodynamics. Frontiers in Public Health. 12: 1331313
Yoganandan N, Baisden J, Moore J, et al. (2023) Pelvis-Sacrum-Lumbar Spine Injury Characteristics From Underbody Blast Loading. Military Medicine. 188: 393-399
Somasundaram K, Humm JR, Yoganandan N, et al. (2023) Obese Occupant Response in Reclined and Upright Seated Postures in Frontal Impacts. Stapp Car Crash Journal. 66: 31-68
Yoganandan N, Somasundaram K, Pintar F. (2023) Analysis of experimental injuries to obese occupants with different postures in frontal impact. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 193: 107294
Gerringer JW, Somasundaram K, Pintar FA. (2023) Effect of muscle activation scheme in human head-neck model on estimating cervical spine ligament strain from military volunteer frontal impact data. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 190: 107157
Yoganandan N, Humm J, Baisden J, et al. (2023) Temporal corridors of forces and moments, and injuries to pelvis-lumbar spine in vertical impact simulating underbody blast. Journal of Biomechanics. 150: 111490
Ortiz-Paparoni M, Op't Eynde J, Kait J, et al. (2022) Correction: The Human Lumbar Spine During High-Rate Under Seat Loading: A Combined Metric Injury Criterion. Annals of Biomedical Engineering
Yoganandan N, Moore J, Humm J, et al. (2022) Loading rate effect on tradeoff of fractures from pelvis to lumbar spine under axial impact loading. Traffic Injury Prevention. 1-6
Somasundaram K, Humm JR, Khandelwal P, et al. (2022) Occupant Injury and Response on Oblique-Facing Aircraft Seats: A Computational Study. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 145
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