Harry Millwater

Mechanical Engineering & Biomechanics The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States 
Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering
"Harry Millwater"
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Fielder R, Millwater H, Montoya A, et al. (2019) Efficient estimate of residual stress variance using complex variable finite element methods International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 173: 101-113
Millwater H, Ocampo J, Crosby N. (2019) Probabilistic methods for risk assessment of airframe digital twin structures Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 221: 106674
Aguirre-Mesa AM, Ramirez-Tamayo D, Garcia MJ, et al. (2019) A stiffness derivative local hypercomplex-variable finite element method for computing the energy release rate Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 218: 106581
Sparkman DM, Garza JE, Millwater HR, et al. (2016) Importance sampling-based post-processing method for global sensitivity analysis 18th Aiaa Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference
Garza J, Millwater H. (2015) Multicomplex Newmark-beta time integration method for sensitivity analysis in structural dynamics Aiaa Journal. 53: 1188-1198
Montoya A, Fielder R, Gomez-Farias A, et al. (2015) Finite-element sensitivity for plasticity using complex variable methods Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 141
Gomez-Farias A, Montoya A, Millwater H. (2015) Complex finite element sensitivity method for creep analysis International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 132: 27-42
Millwater H, Ocampo JD, Castaldo T. (2014) Probabilistic damage tolerance analysis for general aviation Advanced Materials Research. 891: 1191-1196
Millwater H, Wagner D. (2014) A new progressive curvilinear strain energy-based crack growth modeling algorithm using multicomplex variable finite elements Advanced Materials Research. 891: 1015-1020
Ocampo J, Millwater H. (2013) Probabilistic damage tolerance for small airplanes using a linear-elastic crack growth fracture mechanics surrogate model 54th Aiaa/Asme/Asce/Ahs/Asc Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference
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