Melissa Anderson

2017-2021 University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States 
"Melissa Anderson"
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Le RK, Lempke LB, Anderson MN, et al. (2023) Quantifying head impact biomechanical differences between commonly employed cleaning levels: a critical research interpretation consideration. Brain Injury. 1-6
Shumski EJ, Anderson MN, Schmidt JD, et al. (2023) Motor vehicle crash concussion mechanism displays a greater total number of symptoms and greater affective symptom severity but no neurocognitive differences compared with sport-related concussion mechanism. Applied Neuropsychology. Adult. 1-7
Shumski EJ, Anderson MN, Oh J, et al. (2023) Computerized and functional reaction time in varsity-level female collegiate athletes with and without a concussion history. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
D'Lauro C, Jones ER, Swope LM, et al. (2022) Under-representation of female athletes in research informing influential concussion consensus and position statements: an evidence review and synthesis. British Journal of Sports Medicine
Schmidt JD, Johnson RS, Lempke LB, et al. (2022) Youth Tackle Football Head Impact Estimation by Players and Parents: Is the Perception the Reality? Journal of Athletic Training
Anderson MN, D'Lauro C, Johnson BR, et al. (2022) Concussion reporting intentions for incoming military athletes and cadets. Brain Injury. 1-7
Anderson MN, Lempke LB, Johnson RS, et al. (2021) Concussion Characteristics and Early Post-Injury Outcomes Between College Students and Intercollegiate Athletes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Schmidt JD, Anderson M, Weber Rawlins M, et al. (2021) Number of prior concussions predict poorer concussion care seeking in military cadets. Brain Injury. 1-9
Lempke LB, Johnson RS, Le RK, et al. (2021) Head Impact Biomechanics in Youth Flag Football: A Prospective Cohort Study. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 3635465211026643
Le RK, Anderson MN, Johnson RS, et al. (2021) On-field Characteristics and Head Impact Magnitude in Youth Tackle Football. Pediatric Neurology. 121: 33-39
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