Amish S. Desai, Ph.D.

2000 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Biochemistry, Mechanical Engineering
"Amish Desai"


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Yu-Chong Tai grad student 2000 Caltech
 (Micromachined devices for an airborne bioparticle analysis system.)
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Licklider L, Wang XQ, Desai A, et al. (2000) A micromachined chip-based electrospray source for mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry. 72: 367-75
Desai A, Lee S, Tai Y. (1999) A MEMS electrostatic particle transportation system Sensors and Actuators a-Physical. 73: 37-44
Bökenkamp D, Desai A, Yang X, et al. (1998) Microfabricated Silicon Mixers for Submillisecond Quench-Flow Analysis Analytical Chemistry. 70: 232-236
Desai A, Bokenkamp D, Yang X, et al. (1997) Microfluidic sub-millisecond mixers for the study of chemical reaction kinetics International Conference On Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Proceedings. 1: 167-170
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