Pierre C. Dumas, Ph.D.

2002 Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada 
Genetics, Pathology
"Pierre Dumas"


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Pavel Hamet grad student 2002 Université de Montréal
 (Determinants genetiques de la susceptibilite au stress.)
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Dumas P, Corbeil G, Godefroid G, et al. (2012) 733 Differential transcriptomicS of indapamide and hydrochlorothiazide in SHR kidney Journal of Hypertension. 30
El Bikai R, Dumas P, Awadalla P, et al. (2012) P35 Évidence de risque accru d’ostéoporose dans le diabète et l’hypertension : importance de la masse musculaire. Diabetes & Metabolism. 38: A40
Tremblay S, Bourcier N, Dumas P, et al. (2004) HCARG EXPRESSION IS REGULATED BY CALCIUM AND SODIUM IONS Journal of Hypertension. 22: S350
Tremblay J, Hum DH, Sanchez R, et al. (2003) TA repeat variation, Npr1 expression, and blood pressure: impact of the Ace locus. Hypertension. 41: 16-24
Dumas P, Kren V, Krenová D, et al. (2002) Identification and chromosomal localization of ecogenetic components of electrolyte excretion. Journal of Hypertension. 20: 209-17
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