Morten Schak Nielsen

Department for Biomedical Sciences University of Copenhagen, København, Denmark 
"Morten Nielsen"
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Jensen CF, Bartels ED, Braunstein TH, et al. (2019) Acute intramyocardial lipid accumulation in rats does not slow cardiac conduction per se. Physiological Reports. 7: e14049
Nyberg M, Piil P, Kiehn OT, et al. (2017) Probenecid Inhibits α-Adrenergic Receptor-Mediated Vasoconstriction in the Human Leg Vasculature. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979)
Jensen LJ, Nielsen MS, Salomonsson M, et al. (2017) T-type Ca(2+) channels and Autoregulation of Local Blood Flow. Channels (Austin, Tex.). 0
Morel S, Christoffersen C, Axelsen LN, et al. (2016) Sphingosine-1-Phosphate reduces ischemia/reperfusion injury by phosphorylating the gap junction protein Connexin43. Cardiovascular Research
Axelsen LN, Calloe K, Braunstein TH, et al. (2015) Diet-induced pre-diabetes slows cardiac conductance and promotes arrhythmogenesis. Cardiovascular Diabetology. 14: 87
Stroemlund LW, Jensen CF, Qvortrup K, et al. (2015) Gap junctions - guards of excitability. Biochemical Society Transactions. 43: 508-12
Skibsbye L, Wang X, Axelsen LN, et al. (2015) Antiarrhythmic Mechanisms of SK Channel Inhibition in the Rat Atrium. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Axelsen LN, Calloe K, Holstein-Rathlou NH, et al. (2013) Managing the complexity of communication: regulation of gap junctions by post-translational modification. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 4: 130
Olsen KB, Axelsen LN, Braunstein TH, et al. (2013) Myocardial impulse propagation is impaired in right ventricular tissue of Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats. Cardiovascular Diabetology. 12: 19
Nielsen MS, Axelsen LN, Sorgen PL, et al. (2012) Gap junctions. Comprehensive Physiology. 2: 1981-2035
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