Zinia D'Souza, PhD

2017-2023 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, United States 
Cell Biology
"Zinia D'Souza"
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D'Souza Z, Pokrovskaya I, Lupashin VV. (2023) Syntaxin-5's flexibility in SNARE pairing supports Golgi functions. Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark). 24: 355-379
Khakurel A, Kudlyk T, Pokrovskaya I, et al. (2022) GARP dysfunction results in COPI displacement, depletion of Golgi v-SNAREs and calcium homeostasis proteins. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 10: 1066504
Sumya FT, Pokrovskaya ID, D'Souza Z, et al. (2022) Acute COG complex inactivation unveiled its immediate impact on Golgi and illuminated the nature of intra-Golgi recycling vesicles. Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark)
D'Souza Z, Sumya FT, Khakurel A, et al. (2021) Getting Sugar Coating Right! The Role of the Golgi Trafficking Machinery in Glycosylation. Cells. 10
D'Souza Z, Taher FS, Lupashin VV. (2020) Golgi inCOGnito: From vesicle tethering to human disease. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. General Subjects. 1864: 129694
Blackburn JB, D'Souza Z, Lupashin VV. (2019) Maintaining order: COG complex controls golgi trafficking, processing, and sorting. Febs Letters
D'Souza Z, Blackburn JB, Kudlyk T, et al. (2019) Defects in COG-Mediated Golgi Trafficking Alter Endo-Lysosomal System in Human Cells. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 7: 118
Chaudhari PR, Charles SE, D'Souza ZC, et al. (2017) Hemidesmosomal linker proteins regulate cell motility, invasion and tumorigenicity in oral squamous cell carcinoma derived cells. Experimental Cell Research
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