Parisa Mazrooei

2014-2019 Princess Margaret Cancer Centre 
"Parisa Mazrooei"
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Yanchus C, Drucker KL, Kollmeyer TM, et al. (2022) A noncoding single-nucleotide polymorphism at 8q24 drives -mutant glioma formation. Science (New York, N.Y.). 378: 68-78
El Ghamrasni S, Quevedo R, Hawley J, et al. (2021) Mutations in Noncoding -Regulatory Elements Reveal Cancer Driver Cistromes in Luminal Breast Cancer. Molecular Cancer Research : McR
Ahmed M, Soares F, Xia JH, et al. (2021) CRISPRi screens reveal a DNA methylation-mediated 3D genome dependent causal mechanism in prostate cancer. Nature Communications. 12: 1781
Zhou S, Hawley JR, Soares F, et al. (2020) Noncoding mutations target cis-regulatory elements of the FOXA1 plexus in prostate cancer. Nature Communications. 11: 441
Mazrooei P, Kron KJ, Zhu Y, et al. (2019) Cistrome Partitioning Reveals Convergence of Somatic Mutations and Risk Variants on Master Transcription Regulators in Primary Prostate Tumors. Cancer Cell
Madani Tonekaboni SA, Mazrooei P, Kofia V, et al. (2019) Identifying clusters of -regulatory elements underpinning TAD structures and lineage-specific regulatory networks. Genome Research. 29: 1733-1743
Dubois-Chevalier J, Mazrooei P, Lupien M, et al. (2017) Organizing combinatorial transcription factor recruitment at cis-regulatory modules. Transcription. 1-15
Dubois-Chevalier J, Dubois V, Dehondt H, et al. (2017) The logic of transcriptional regulator recruitment architecture at cis-regulatory modules controlling liver functions. Genome Research
Bailey SD, Desai K, Kron KJ, et al. (2016) Noncoding somatic and inherited single-nucleotide variants converge to promote ESR1 expression in breast cancer. Nature Genetics
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