Shalayna L. Lair, Ph.D.

The University of Texas at El Paso
experimental chemistry
"Shalayna Lair"
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William C. Herndon grad student 2007 The University of Texas at El Paso
 (Energetic comparison of double-walled carbon nanotube systems.)
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Lair SL, Herndon WC, Murr LE. (2008) Stability comparison of simulated double-walled carbon nanotube structures Carbon. 46: 2083-2095
Lair SL, Herndon WC, Murr LE. (2007) Energetic trends of single-walled carbon nanotube ab initio calculations Journal of Materials Science. 42: 1819-1827
Lair SL, Herndon WC, Murr LE, et al. (2006) End cap nucleation of carbon nanotubes Carbon. 44: 447-455
Murr LE, Esquivel EV, Bujanda AA, et al. (2004) Metallurgical and acoustical comparisons for a brass pan with a Caribbean steel pan standard Journal of Materials Science. 39: 4139-4155
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