Andrew S. Madison, Ph.D.
University of Delaware, Newark, DE, United StatesArea:
redox reactions in the environment, trace element speciation in marine waters and sedimentsGoogle:
"Andrew Madison"Mean distance: 11.72 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorGeorge W. Luther | grad student | 2012 | University of Delaware | |
(Biogeochemical cycling of soluble manganese(III) in marine (pore)waters.) |
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Luther GW, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Oldham VE, et al. (2018) Reduction of Manganese Oxides: Thermodynamic, Kinetic and Mechanistic Considerations for One- Versus Two-Electron Transfer Steps Aquatic Geochemistry. 24: 257-277 |
Siebecker M, Madison AS, Luther GW. (2015) Reduction Kinetics of Polymeric (Soluble) Manganese (IV) Oxide (MnO |
Luther GW, Madison AS, Mucci A, et al. (2014) A kinetic approach to assess the strengths of ligands bound to soluble Mn(III) Marine Chemistry |
Madison AS, Tebo BM, Mucci A, et al. (2013) Abundant porewater Mn(III) is a major component of the sedimentary redox system. Science (New York, N.Y.). 341: 875-8 |
Geszvain K, Butterfield C, Davis RE, et al. (2012) The molecular biogeochemistry of manganese(II) oxidation Biochemical Society Transactions. 40: 1244-1248 |
Luther GW, Gartman A, Yücel M, et al. (2012) Chemistry, temperature, and faunal distributions at diffuse-flow hydrothermal vents, comparison of two geologically distinct ridge systems Oceanography. 25: 235-245 |
Madison AS, Tebo BM, Luther GW. (2011) Simultaneous determination of soluble manganese(III), manganese(II) and total manganese in natural (pore)waters. Talanta. 84: 374-81 |
Gartman A, Yücel M, Madison AS, et al. (2011) Sulfide Oxidation across Diffuse Flow Zones of Hydrothermal Vents Aquatic Geochemistry. 17: 583-601 |
Moore TS, Mullaugh KM, Holyoke RR, et al. (2009) Marine chemical technology and sensors for marine waters: potentials and limits. Annual Review of Marine Science. 1: 91-115 |
Ma S, Luther GW, Keller J, et al. (2008) Solid-state Au/Hg microelectrode for the investigation of Fe and Mn cycling in a freshwater wetland: Implications for methane production Electroanalysis. 20: 233-239 |