Philip S. Yune, Ph.D.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States 
bioseparations engineering
"Philip Yune"
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Georges Belfort grad student 2011 RPI
 (Search for protein-resistant polymeric membrane surfaces via photo-induced graft polymerization with a high throughput platform.)
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Zonca MR, Yune PS, Williams JK, et al. (2014) Enhanced stem cell pluripotency in surface-modified electrospun fibrous matrices. Macromolecular Bioscience. 14: 215-24
Zonca MR, Yune PS, Heldt CL, et al. (2013) High-Throughput screening of substrate chemistry for embryonic stem cell attachment, expansion, and maintaining pluripotency Macromolecular Bioscience. 13: 177-190
Yune PS, Kilduff JE, Belfort G. (2012) Searching for novel membrane chemistries: Producing a large library from a single graft monomer at high throughput Journal of Membrane Science. 390: 1-11
Yune PS, Kilduff JE, Belfort G. (2011) Fouling-resistant properties of a surface-modified poly(ether sulfone) ultrafiltration membrane grafted with poly(ethylene glycol)-amide binary monomers Journal of Membrane Science. 377: 159-166
Yune PS, Kilduff JE, Belfort G. (2011) Using co-solvents and high throughput to maximize protein resistance for poly(ethylene glycol)-grafted poly(ether sulfone) UF membranes Journal of Membrane Science. 370: 166-174
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