David S. Medina, Ph.D.

2011 Chemistry University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States 
"David Medina"
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Jingsong Zhang grad student 2011 UC Riverside
 (Instrument Development and Measurements of the Atmospheric Pollutants Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrate Radical, and Nitrous Acid by Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy and Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy.)
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Medina DS, Liu Y, Wang L, et al. (2011) Detection of sulfur dioxide by cavity ring-down spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology. 45: 1926-31
Liu Y, Morales-Cueto R, Hargrove J, et al. (2009) Measurements of peroxy radicals using chemical amplification-cavity ringdown spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology. 43: 7791-6
Hargrove J, Wang L, Muyskens K, et al. (2006) Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of ambient NO2 with quantification and elimination of interferences. Environmental Science & Technology. 40: 7868-73
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