Mikael C. Rechtsman, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2008 | Princeton University, Princeton, NJ |
statistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theoryGoogle:
"Mikael Rechtsman"Mean distance: 11.23 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorSalvatore Torquato | grad student | 2008 | Princeton | |
(Inverse problems in statistical mechanics and photonics.) |
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Ghorashi A, Vaidya S, Rechtsman MC, et al. (2024) Prevalence of Two-Dimensional Photonic Topology. Physical Review Letters. 133: 056602 |
Mukherjee S, Rechtsman MC. (2020) Observation of Floquet solitons in a topological bandgap. Science (New York, N.Y.). 368: 856-859 |
Noh J, Schuster T, Iadecola T, et al. (2020) Braiding photonic topological zero modes Nature Physics. 16: 1-5 |
Cerjan A, Hsu CW, Rechtsman MC. (2019) Bound States in the Continuum through Environmental Design. Physical Review Letters. 123: 023902 |
Guglielmon J, Rechtsman MC. (2019) Broadband Topological Slow Light through Higher Momentum-Space Winding. Physical Review Letters. 122: 153904 |
Guglielmon J, Rechtsman MC. (2019) Inducing maximal localization with fractal waveguide arrays Physical Review A. 99 |
Cerjan A, Huang S, Wang M, et al. (2019) Experimental realization of a Weyl exceptional ring Nature Photonics. 13: 623-628 |
Stützer S, Plotnik Y, Lumer Y, et al. (2018) Photonic topological Anderson insulators. Nature. 560: 461-465 |
Parto M, Wittek S, Hodaei H, et al. (2018) Edge-Mode Lasing in 1D Topological Active Arrays. Physical Review Letters. 120: 113901 |
Noh J, Huang S, Chen KP, et al. (2018) Observation of Photonic Topological Valley Hall Edge States. Physical Review Letters. 120: 063902 |