Matthew A. Oehlschlaeger, Ph.D.

2005 Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
Laser diagnostics and sensors, shock wave physics and chemistry, laser spectroscopy, chemical kinetics, combustion science, and advanced propulsion
"Matthew Oehlschlaeger"
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Ronald Kent Hanson grad student 2005 Stanford
 (Shock tube studies of thermal decomposition reactions using ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy.)
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Rice TE, Chowdhury MAZ, Mansha MW, et al. (2020) VOC Gas Sensing Via Microelectronics-Based Absorption Spectroscopy at 220–330 GHz Applied Physics B. 126: 1-12
Hotard C, Tekawade A, Oehlschlaeger MA. (2018) Constant volume spray ignition of C9-C10 biodiesel surrogates: Methyl decanoate, ethyl nonanoate, and methyl decenoates Fuel. 224: 219-225
Burden S, Tekawade A, Oehlschlaeger MA. (2018) Ignition delay times for jet and diesel fuels: Constant volume spray and gas-phase shock tube measurements Fuel. 219: 312-319
Kogekar G, Karakaya C, Liskovich GJ, et al. (2018) Impact of non-ideal behavior on ignition delay and chemical kinetics in high-pressure shock tube reactors Combustion and Flame. 189: 1-11
Tekawade A, Rice TE, Oehlschlaeger MA, et al. (2018) Towards realization of quantitative atmospheric and industrial gas sensing using THz wave electronics Applied Physics B. 124
Tekawade A, Xie T, Oehlschlaeger MA. (2017) Comparative Study of the Ignition of 1-Decene, trans-5-Decene, and n-Decane: Constant-Volume Spray and Shock-Tube Experiments Energy & Fuels. 31: 6493-6500
Valco DJ, Tess MJ, Temme JE, et al. (2017) Ignition characterization of F-76 and algae-derived HRD-76 at elevated temperatures and pressures Combustion and Flame. 181: 157-163
Tekawade A, Oehlschlaeger MA. (2016) An experimental study of the spray ignition of alkanes Fuel. 185: 381-393
Huang M, Gowdagiri S, Cesari XM, et al. (2016) Diesel engine CFD simulations: Influence of fuel variability on ignition delay Fuel. 181: 170-177
Tekawade A, Kosiba G, Oehlschlaeger MA. (2016) Time-resolved carbon monoxide measurements during the low- to intermediate-temperature oxidation of n-heptane, n-decane, and n-dodecane Combustion and Flame. 173: 402-410
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