Wenzhou Li, Ph.D.

2012 Chemistry University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 
Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry/Peptide and Protein Sequencing/ Ion-Surface Collisions/Large Protein-Protein Complexes/Biodefense/Proteomics
"Wenzhou Li"
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Vicki H. Wysocki grad student 2012 University of Arizona
 (Protein identification algorithms developed from statistical analysis of MS/MS fragmentation patterns.)
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Li W, Ji L, Tao W. (2015) Effect of vacuum sealing drainage in osteofascial compartment syndrome. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. 8: 16112-16116
Zhang Q, Ye X, Wang L, et al. (2015) Embryo-fetal Development Toxicity of Honokiol Microemulsion Intravenously Administered to Pregnant Rats. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology : Rtp
Fritz BG, Roberts SA, Ahmed A, et al. (2013) Molecular model of a soluble guanylyl cyclase fragment determined by small-angle X-ray scattering and chemical cross-linking. Biochemistry. 52: 1568-82
Li W, Wysocki VH. (2012) ETD fragmentation features improve algorithm. Expert Review of Proteomics. 9: 241-3
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