Anna B. Loveland, Ph.D.

2012 Biophysics Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Molecular microscopy and spectroscopy
"Anna Loveland"
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Antoine M. van Oijen grad student 2012 Harvard
 (Single-molecule studies of eukaryotic DNA replication.)
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Yardimci H, Wang X, Loveland AB, et al. (2012) Bypass of a protein barrier by a replicative DNA helicase. Nature. 492: 205-9
Loveland AB, Habuchi S, Walter JC, et al. (2012) A general approach to break the concentration barrier in single-molecule imaging. Nature Methods. 9: 987-92
Yardimci H, Loveland AB, van Oijen AM, et al. (2012) Single-molecule analysis of DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts. Methods (San Diego, Calif.). 57: 179-86
Yardimci H, Loveland AB, Habuchi S, et al. (2010) Uncoupling of sister replisomes during eukaryotic DNA replication. Molecular Cell. 40: 834-40
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