Aaron L. Washington, Ph.D.

2009 Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States 
Chemistry of Materials, Nanoscience, Photochemistry, Solid State Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Synthesis and Catalysis
"Aaron Washington"
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Geoffrey F. Strouse grad student 2009 Florida State
 (Control of kinetics and thermodynamics in microwave-assisted synthesis of nanocrystals.)
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Washington AL, Foley ME, Cheong S, et al. (2012) Ostwald's Rule of Stages and its role in CdSe quantum dot crystallization. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 134: 17046-52
Zheng W, Kumar P, Washington A, et al. (2012) Quantum phase transition from superparamagnetic to quantum superparamagnetic state in ultrasmall Cd 1- xCr(II) xSe quantum dots? Journal of the American Chemical Society. 134: 2172-2179
Washington AL, Foley ME, Cheong S, et al. (2012) Ostwald's rule of stages and its role in CdSe quantum dot crystallization Journal of the American Chemical Society. 134: 17046-17052
Lita A, Washington AL, van de Burgt L, et al. (2010) Stable efficient solid-state white-light-emitting phosphor with a high scotopic/photopic ratio fabricated from fused CdSe-silica nanocomposites. Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.). 22: 3987-91
Washington AL, Strouse GF. (2009) Microwave synthetic route for highly emissive TOP/TOP-S passivated CdS quantum dots Chemistry of Materials. 21: 3586-3592
Washington AL, Strouse GF. (2009) Selective microwave absorption by trioctyl phosphine selenide: Does it play a role in producing multiple sized quantum dots in a single reaction? Chemistry of Materials. 21: 2770-2776
Washington AL, Strouse GF. (2008) Microwave synthesis of CdSe and CdTe nanocrystals in nonabsorbing alkanes Journal of the American Chemical Society. 130: 8916-8922
Gerbec JA, Magana D, Washington A, et al. (2005) Microwave-enhanced reaction rates for nanoparticle synthesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127: 15791-800
Gerbec JA, Magana D, Washington A, et al. (2005) Microwave-enhanced reaction rates for nanoparticle synthesis Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127: 15791-15800
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