J Onsgaard

Physics University of Southern Denmark, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark 
"J Onsgaard"
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Godowski PJ, Onsgaard J. (2014) Low temperature adsorption of CO on modified, vicinal Cu(100) surfaces: A comparative study Cuihua Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Catalysis. 35: 255-259
Godowski PJ, Onsgaard J. (2013) Work function of vicinal copper surfaces Acta Physica Polonica A. 123: 115-117
Godowski PJ, Onsgaard J. (2013) Adsorption of NO on potassium-modified Cu (100) vicinal surfaces Vacuum. 94: 6-13
Onsgaard J, Godowski PJ, Li ZS. (2012) Temperature induced changes in a AgPt nanofilm on Ru(0001) Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology a: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. 30
Bork J, Onsgaard J, Diekhöner L. (2010) Growth and structure of Ag on bilayer Co nanoislands on Cu(111). Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter : An Institute of Physics Journal. 22: 135005
Godowski PJ, Groso A, Hoffmann SV, et al. (2010) Adsorption properties of the Cu(115) surface: Basic interfaces Acta Physica Polonica A. 117: 928-935
Bork J, Diekhöner L, Li Z, et al. (2010) Electronic structure and ordering of multilayers of Co and Ag on Cu(111) investigated by photoelectron spectroscopy Surface Science. 604: 1536-1541
Godowski PJ, Hoffmann SV, Onsgaard J. (2010) Photoelectron spectroscopy for probing surface reactions at the CO/K/Cu(1 1 5) interface Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 182: 127-133
Marten T, Hellman O, Ruban AV, et al. (2008) Double-segregation effect in Agx Pd1-x /Ru (0001) thin film nanostructures Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 77
Godowski PJ, Onsgaard J, Ryszka Z, et al. (2008) Phase transformations of the Pt/Ru(0 0 0 1) interface studied by photoemission Surface Science. 602: 465-469
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