Liam Moran

1989-1996 AbbVie 
"Liam Moran"
Mean distance: 9.44
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Cho G, Moran LB, Yesinowski JP. (1995) 129Xe and131Xe NMR of xenon on silica surfaces at 77 K Applied Magnetic Resonance. 8: 549-572
Moran LB, Yesinowski JP. (1994) Chemical-shift-selective multiple-quantum NMR as a probe of the correlation length of chemical shielding tensors Chemical Physics Letters. 222: 363-370
Moran LB, Berkowitz JK, Yesinowski JP. (1993) A method for detection of spectral spin diffusion from minor peaks, and its application to 19F MAS NMR of antimony(III)-doped fluorapatite. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 1: 307-11
Moran LB, Berkowitz JK, Yesinowski JP. (1992) 19F and 31P magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance of antimony(III)-doped fluorapatite phosphors: Dopant sites and spin diffusion. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 45: 5347-5360
Moran LB, Berkowitz JK, Yesinowski JP. (1992) F19 and P31 magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance of antimony(III)-doped fluorapatite phosphors: Dopant sites and spin diffusion Physical Review B. 45: 5347-5360
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