John Perkins

Chemical Engineering Imperial College London, London, England, United Kingdom 
"John Perkins"
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Goodwin GC, Perkins J, Brisk M, et al. (1996) Round Table Discussion the Benefits of Control Ifac Proceedings Volumes. 29: 8192
Heath J, Perkins J, Walsh S. (1996) Control Structure Selection Based on Linear Dynamic Economics - Multiloop PI Structures for Multiple Disturbances Ifac Proceedings Volumes. 29: 5882-5887
Walsh S, Perkins J. (1996) Operability and Control in Process Synthesis and Design Advances in Chemical Engineering. 23: 301-402
Narraway L, Perkins J. (1994) Selection of process control structure based on economics Computers & Chemical Engineering. 18
Walsh S, Perkins J. (1994) Application of integrated process and control system design to waste water neutralisation Computers & Chemical Engineering. 18
Walsh S, Perkins J. (1992) Integrated Design of Effluent Treatment Systems Ifac Proceedings Volumes. 25: 107-112
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