Gyung Ihm Rhyu
Affiliations: | 1979-1984 | Chemistry | Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States |
"Gyung Rhyu"Mean distance: 8.42 | S | N | B | C | P |
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Walkenhorst WF, Krezel AM, Rhyu GI, et al. (1994) Solution structure of reactive-site hydrolyzed turkey ovomucoid third domain by nuclear magnetic resonance and distance geometry methods. Journal of Molecular Biology. 242: 215-30 |
Ray WJ, Post CB, Liu Y, et al. (1993) Structural changes at the metal ion binding site during the phosphoglucomutase reaction. Biochemistry. 32: 48-57 |
Robertson AD, Rhyu GI, Westler WM, et al. (1990) Assignment of the 13C-NMR spectra of virgin and reactive-site modified turkey ovomucoid third domain. Biopolymers. 29: 461-7 |
Rhyu GI, Markley JL. (1988) Two-dimensional NMR studies of Kazal proteinase inhibitors. 2. Sequence-specific assignments and secondary structure of reactive site modified turkey ovomucoid third domain. Biochemistry. 27: 2529-39 |
Rhyu GI, Ray WJ, Markley JL. (1985) Multinuclear magnetic resonance studies of metal ion binding sites of phosphoglucomutase. Biochemistry. 24: 2536-41 |
Rhyu GI, Ray WJ, Markley JL. (1985) Active-site serine phosphate and histidine residues of phosphoglucomutase: pH titration studies monitored by 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopy. Biochemistry. 24: 4746-53 |
Rhyu GI, Ray WJ, Markley JL. (1984) Enzyme-bound intermediates in the conversion of glucose 1-phosphate to glucose 6-phosphate by phosphoglucomutase. Phosphorus NMR studies. Biochemistry. 23: 252-60 |