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Harold Arthur Gersch grad student 1960 Georgia Tech
 (Studies in the many-body problem in quantum mechanics.)
Per-Olov Löwdin grad student 1967 Uppsala
 (Some aspects of the quantum theory of matter : independent particle models and correlation.)
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Farazdel A, Westgate WM, Simas AM, et al. (2009) Validity of the mass-velocity term in the Breit-Pauli hamiltonian International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 28: 61-68
Broclawik E, Smith VH. (2009) Electronic structure of selenium chains by the SCF-SW-Xα method International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 18: 395-403
Singh SR, Smith VH. (2009) Perturbation treatment of the hartree-fock-slater (Xα) equations for the three-electron ions International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 5: 421-428
Benesch R, Smith VH. (2009) Exact and asymptotic X-ray intensity values from 20-parameter hylleraas-type wave functions. He and He-like ions International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 5: 35-45
Benesch R, Smith VH. (2009) Natural orbitals in momentum space and correlated radial momentum distributions: I. The 1S ground state of li+ International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 5: 131-138
Mcnaughton DJ, Smith VH. (2009) An investigation of the kohn-sham and slater approximations to the hartree-fock exchange potential International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 4: 775-788
Benesch R, Smith VH. (2009) Correlation effects in X-Ray and electron scattering International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 4: 413-421
Xie JRH, Smith VH, Allen RE. (2006) Spectroscopic properties of dipicolinic acid and its dianion Chemical Physics. 322: 254-268
Harris FE, Smith VH. (2005) Highly compact wave functions for He-like systems. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 109: 11413-6
Harris FE, Frolov AM, Smith VH. (2005) Singular integrals and their application to a hypervirial theorem Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 72
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