Laurence S. (Larry) Romsted

Chemistry and Chemical Biology Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry
"Laurence Romsted"

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Eugene H. Cordes grad student 1975 Indiana University Bloomington
 (Rate Enhancements in Micellar Systems.)
Clifford  A Bunton post-doc 1976-1980 UC Santa Barbara
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Liu C, Wang Y, Gao Y, et al. (2019) Effects of interfacial specific cations and water molarities on AOT micelle-to-vesicle transitions by chemical trapping: the specific ion-pair/hydration model. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp
Dar AA, Romsted LS, Nazir N, et al. (2017) A novel combined chemical kinetic and trapping method for probing the relationships between chemical reactivity and interfacial H2O, Br(-) and H(+) ion molarities in CTAB/C12E6 mixed micelles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp
Gao X, Bravo-Díaz C, Romsted LS. (2013) Interpreting ion-specific effects on the reduction of an arenediazonium ion by t-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) using the pseudophase kinetic model in emulsions prepared with a zwitterionic sulfobetaine surfactant. Langmuir : the Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids. 29: 4928-33
Gu Q, Bravo-Díaz C, Romsted LS. (2013) Using the pseudophase kinetic model to interpret chemical reactivity in ionic emulsions: determining antioxidant partition constants and interfacial rate constants. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 400: 41-8
Gao X, Bravo-Díaz C, Romsted LS. (2013) Interpreting ion-specific effects on the reduction of an arenediazonium ion by t-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) using the pseudophase kinetic model in emulsions prepared with a zwitterionic sulfobetaine surfactant Langmuir. 29: 4928-4933
Romsted LS, Zhang J, Zhuang L. (2010) ChemInform Abstract: Mechanism of Reaction of an Arenediazonium Ion in Aqueous Amide Solutions. Development of a Novel Reagent for Chemically Tagging Peptide Bonds at Aggregate Interfaces Cheminform. 31: no-no
Bunton CA, Romsted LS. (2010) Micellar effects upon deacylation Supplement B: the Chemistry of Acid Derivatives: Part 2. 2: 945-1020
Regler BP, Emge TJ, Elliott JJ, et al. (2007) Structural, infrared, and density functional theory studies of N,N,N',N'-Tetramethylimidazolidinium dichloride: a model for cation-anion association of headgroups and counterions in the interfacial regions of gemini micelles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 111: 13668-74
Romsted LS. (2007) Do amphiphile aggregate morphologies and interfacial compositions depend primarily on interfacial hydration and ion-specific interactions? The evidence from chemical trapping. Langmuir : the Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids. 23: 414-24
Geng Y, Romsted LS, Menger F. (2006) Specific ion pairing and interfacial hydration as controlling factors in gemini micelle morphology. Chemical trapping studies. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 128: 492-501
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