Justin P. Dodd, Ph.D.

2011 Earth and Planetary Sciences University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States 
Geology, Biogeochemistry, Climate Change
"Justin Dodd"
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Peter J. Fawcett grad student 2011 Univ. of New Mexico
 (Oxygen isotopes in diatom silica: A new understanding of silica-water oxygen isotope fractionation in diatom frustules and an application of diatom delta-oxygen-18 values as a record of paleohydrologic variability in a middle-pleistocene lacustrine core f)
Zachary David Sharp grad student 2011 Univ. of New Mexico
 (Oxygen isotopes in diatom silica: A new understanding of silica-water oxygen isotope fractionation in diatom frustules and an application of diatom delta-oxygen-18 values as a record of paleohydrologic variability in a middle-pleistocene lacustrine core f)
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Olson EJ, Dodd JP, Rivera MA. (2020) Prosopis sp. tree-ring oxygen and carbon isotope record of regional-scale hydroclimate variability during the last 9500 years in the Atacama Desert Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 538: 109408
Yanes Y, Al-Qattan NM, Rech JA, et al. (2018) Overview of the oxygen isotope systematics of land snails from North America Quaternary Research. 91: 329-344
Stansell ND, Klein ES, Finkenbinder MS, et al. (2017) A stable isotope record of Holocene precipitation dynamics in the Baltic region from Lake Nuudsaku, Estonia Quaternary Science Reviews. 175: 73-84
Dodd JP, Wiedenheft W, Schwartz JM. (2017) Dehydroxylation and diagenetic variations in diatom oxygen isotope values Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 199: 185-195
Jayne RS, Pollyea RM, Dodd JP, et al. (2016) Spatial and temporal constraints on regional-scale groundwater flow in the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin, Atacama Desert, Chile Hydrogeology Journal. 24: 1921-1937
Bojar AV, Dodd J, Seghedi I. (2013) Isotope geochemistry (O, H and Sr) of late cretaceous volcanic rocks, Haţeg Basin, South Carpathians, Romania Geological Society Special Publication. 382: 203-211
Dodd JP, Sharp ZD, Fawcett PJ, et al. (2012) Rapid post-mortem maturation of diatom silica oxygen isotope values Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 13
Chapligin B, Leng MJ, Webb E, et al. (2011) Inter-laboratory comparison of oxygen isotope compositions from biogenic silica Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 75: 7242-7256
Dodd JP, Sharp ZD. (2010) A laser fluorination method for oxygen isotope analysis of biogenic silica and a new oxygen isotope calibration of modern diatoms in freshwater environments Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 74: 1381-1390
Schiff CJ, Kaufman DS, Wolfe AP, et al. (2009) Late Holocene storm-trajectory changes inferred from the oxygen isotope composition of lake diatoms, south Alaska Journal of Paleolimnology. 41: 189-208
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