Jereme W. Gaeta, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | Limnology & Marine Science | University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI |
Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Ecology Biology, Limnology BiologyGoogle:
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Sign in to add mentorStephen Russell Carpenter | grad student | 2012 | UW Madison | |
(Identifying, quantifying, and mitigating direct and indirect anthropogenic effects on north temperate game fishes.) |
BETA: Related publications
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Glassic HC, Gaeta JW. (2020) The influence of multiyear drought and associated reduction in tributary connectivity on an adfluvial fish species Ecology of Freshwater Fish |
Walsworth TE, Landom K, Gaeta JW. (2020) Compensatory Recruitment, Dynamic Habitat, and Selective Gear Present Challenges to Large-Scale Invasive Species Control Ecosphere. 11: 1 |
Glassic HC, Gaeta JW. (2019) Littoral habitat loss caused by multiyear drought and the response of an endemic fish species in a deep desert lake Freshwater Biology. 64: 421-432 |
Gaeta JW. (2019) A Web Tool to Estimate Prey Fish Lengths Consumed by Common Freshwater Piscivorous Fishes Fisheries. 44: 293-296 |
Gaeta JW, Ahrenstorff TD, Diana JS, et al. (2018) Go big or … don't? A field-based diet evaluation of freshwater piscivore and prey fish size relationships. Plos One. 13: e0194092 |
Pedersen EJ, Goto D, Gaeta JW, et al. (2018) Long-term growth trends in northern Wisconsin walleye populations under changing biotic and abiotic conditions Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 75: 733-745 |
Klobucar SL, Gaeta JW, Budy P. (2018) A changing menu in a changing climate: Using experimental and long-term data to predict invertebrate prey biomass and availability in lakes of arctic Alaska Freshwater Biology. 63: 1352-1364 |
Oele DL, Gaeta JW, Rypel AL, et al. (2018) Growth and recruitment dynamics of young‐of‐year northern pike: Implications for habitat conservation and management Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 28: 285-301 |
Sass GG, Gaeta JW, Allen MS, et al. (2018) Effects of catch-and-release angling on a largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) population in a north temperate lake, 2001–2005 Fisheries Research. 204: 95-102 |
Hansen GJA, Carpenter SR, Gaeta JW, et al. (2015) Predicting walleye recruitment as a tool for prioritizing management actions Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 72: 661-672 |