Yasnahir Z. Perez-Delgado, Ph.D.

2009 Chemistry and Biochemistry Baylor University, Waco, TX 
Physical Chemistry
"Yasnahir Perez-Delgado"
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Carlos E. Manzanares grad student 2009 Baylor University
 (Off-axis cavity ring down spectroscopy with exponential and phase shift detection: Absorption spectra of weak transitions at low temperatures.)
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Nyaupane PR, Perez-Delgado Y, Camejo D, et al. (2016) Cavity Ring Down Absorption of O2 in Air as a Temperature Sensor for an Open and a Cryogenic Optical Cavity. Applied Spectroscopy
Barroso JZ, Perez-Delgado Y, Manzanares CE. (2013) Phase shift cavity ring down and Fourier transform infrared measurements of C-H vibrational transitions, energy levels, and intensities of (CH3)3Si-C≡C-H. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 139: 014311
Perez-Delgado Y, Barroso JZ, Garofalo LA, et al. (2012) Vibrational overtone spectroscopy, energy levels, and intensities of (CH3)3C-C≡C-H. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 116: 2071-9
Perez-Delgado Y, Manzanares CE. (2010) Cavity ring down and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy at low temperatures (84-297 K): Fermi resonance and intensities of the C-H fundamental and overtone (Delta(upsilon) = 1-6) transitions of CHD(3). The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 114: 7918-27
Perez-Delgado Y, Lewis EK, Moehnke CJ, et al. (2009) Cavity ring down absorption at low temperatures: C-H spectra (Δν = 1-6) of CH 3D and C-H overtones (Δν = 5, 6) of CH 2D 2 and CH 4 Molecular Physics. 107: 1367-1377
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