Todd Loughead

CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada 
Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry
"Todd Loughead"
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Eys M, Beauchamp MR, Godfrey M, et al. (2020) Role Commitment and Acceptance in a Sport Context. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 1-13
Hoffmann M, Loughead T, Caron J. (2019) Mentoring identity and the motivation to mentor: a case study of an exemplary peer athlete mentor. Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 33: 52-63
Duguay AM, Loughead TM, Cook JM. (2019) Athlete Leadership as a Shared Process: Using a Social-Network Approach to Examine Athlete Leadership in Competitive Female Youth Soccer Teams The Sport Psychologist. 33: 189-202
Hoffmann MD, Loughead TM, Bloom GA. (2017) Examining the Experiences of Peer Mentored Athletes Competing in Elite Sport The Sport Psychologist. 31: 134-146
Curtin KD, Munroe-Chandler KJ, Loughead TM. (2016) Athletes’ imagery use from a team-level perspective and team cohesion International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 14: 323-339
Falcão WR, Bloom GA, Loughead TM. (2015) Coaches' Perceptions of Team Cohesion in Paralympic Sports. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly : Apaq. 32: 206-22
Eys MA, Jewitt E, Evans MB, et al. (2013) Coach-initiated motivational climate and cohesion in youth sport Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport. 84: 373-383
Martin LJ, Carron AV, Eys MA, et al. (2013) Validation of the child sport cohesion questionnaire Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science. 17: 105-119
Martin LJ, Carron AV, Eys MA, et al. (2012) Development of a cohesion inventory for children's sport teams Group Dynamics. 16: 68-79
Eys M, Loughead T, Bray SR, et al. (2009) Development of a cohesion questionnaire for youth: the Youth Sport Environment Questionnaire. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 31: 390-408
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