Cherie L. Geiger

University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, United States 
Inorganic Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Materials Science Engineering
"Cherie Geiger"
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Elie MR, Clausen CA, Geiger CL. (2012) Reduction of benzo[a]pyrene with acid-activated magnesium metal in ethanol: a possible application for environmental remediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 203: 77-85
Coutts JL, Devor RW, Aitken B, et al. (2011) The use of mechanical alloying for the preparation of palladized magnesium bimetallic particles for the remediation of PCBs. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 192: 1380-7
Maloney P, Devor R, Novaes-Card S, et al. (2011) Dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls using magnesium and acidified alcohols. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 187: 235-40
Albo RLF, Legron T, Gittings MJ, et al. (2010) Degradation of triacetone triperoxide (TATP) using mechanically alloyed mg/pd Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics. 35: 100-104
DeVor R, Carvalho-Knighton K, Aitken B, et al. (2009) Mechanism of the degradation of individual PCB congeners using mechanically alloyed Mg/Pd in methanol. Chemosphere. 76: 761-6
Fidler R, Legron T, Carvalho-Knighton K, et al. (2009) Degradation of TNT, RDX, and TATP using microscale mechanically alloyed bimetals Acs Symposium Series. 1027: 117-134
DeVor R, Maloney P, Clausen CA, et al. (2009) Proposed mechanisms for the dechlorination of PCBs using microscale Mg/Pd in methanol Acs Symposium Series. 1027: 55-74
Geiger CL, Carvalho-Knighton K, Novaes-Card S, et al. (2009) A review of environmental applications of nanoscale and microscale reactive metal particles Acs Symposium Series. 1027: 1-20
DeVor R, Carvalho-Knighton K, Aitken B, et al. (2008) Dechlorination comparison of mono-substituted PCBs with Mg/Pd in different solvent systems. Chemosphere. 73: 896-900
Hara SO, Krug T, Quinn J, et al. (2006) Field and Laboratory Evaluation of the Treatment of DNAPL Source Zones Using Emulsified Zero-Valent Iron Remediation Journal. 16: 35-56
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