Ward Vinton Evans

Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
physical chemistry
"Ward Evans"


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Evans WV. (1954) Minority report of Ward V. Evans Chemical and Engineering News. 32: 2365-2366
Evans WV, Cassaretto FP, Klose TG. (1951) Some views on undergraduate research Journal of Chemical Education. 143
Evans WV, Cassaretto FP. (1948) A Modification of the victor meyer molecular weight apparatus Journal of Chemical Education. 348
Pearson R, Evans WV. (1943) The Electrolysis of the Nitroparaffins Transactions of the Electrochemical Society. 84: 173-178
Pearson R, Evans WV. (1942) The Electrolysis of Grignard Reagents: Short‐Lived Free Radicals in Ethyl Ether Transactions of the Electrochemical Society. 82: 297-305
Evans WV, Pearson R. (1942) The Ionic Nature of the Grignard Reagent Journal of the American Chemical Society. 64: 2865-2871
Evans WV. (1942) The Ionic Nature of the Grignard Reagent Journal of the American Chemical Society. 64: 2865-2871
Evans WV. (1942) High-school chemistry refrigeration Journal of Chemical Education. 19: 539-544
Evans WV, Pearson R, Braithwaite D. (1941) The Electrolysis of Arylmagnesium Bromides in Ethyl Ether: the Behavior of Shortlived Aryl Free Radicals Journal of the American Chemical Society. 63: 2574-2576
Evans WV, Pearson R, Braithwaite D. (1941) The electrolysis of arylmagnesium bromides in ethyl ether: The behavior of shortlived aryl free radicals Journal of the American Chemical Society. 63: 2574-2576
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