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George Ernest Gibson grad student 1926 UC Berkeley
 (Studies in the theory of colloid and surface chemistry)
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Rice OK. (1976) The effect of an impurity on the critical point of a binary liquid system as a surface phenomenon The Journal of Chemical Physics. 64: 4362-4367
Rice OK, Chang DR. (1974) Density fluctuations and the specific heat near the critical point. II Physica. 78: 490-499
Rice OK, Chang do R. (1972) Some thermodynamic relations at the critical point in liquid-vapor systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 69: 3436-9
Worsham WC, Rice OK. (1967) Deactivation by collision in the photolysis of azoethane The Journal of Chemical Physics. 46: 2021-2028
Rice OK. (1955) Shape of the coexistence curve near the critical temperature The Journal of Chemical Physics. 23: 164-168
Rice OK. (1954) Statistical mechanics of helium II near 1°K Physical Review. 96: 1460-1463
Porter G, Herzberg G, Ramsay DA, et al. (1953) General discussion Discussions of the Faraday Society. 14: 111-142
Marcus RA, Rice OK. (1951) The Kinetics of the Recombination of Methyl Radicals and Iodine Atoms. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 55: 894-908
Rice OK. (1949) The thermodynamics of liquid helium on the basis of the two-fluid theory Physical Review. 76: 1701-1707
Rice OK. (1948) Quantum corrections to the thermodynamic properties of liquids, with. Application to neon2 The Journal of Chemical Physics. 16: 141-147
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