Norton D. Zinder

Rockefeller University, New York, NY, United States 
molecular biology
"Norton D. Zinder"

(1928 - 2012)

Mean distance: 8.83


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Joshua Lederberg grad student 1952 UW Madison
 (The genetics of salmonella)


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Thierry Boon grad student Rockefeller (Cell Biology Tree)
David W. Russell grad student Rockefeller
Stephen Cooper grad student 1963 Rockefeller
Harvey F. Lodish grad student 1962-1966 Rockefeller
Nina Federoff grad student 1972 Rockefeller
Nina Fedoroff grad student 1972 Rockefeller (MathTree)
Jef D. Boeke grad student 1982 Rockefeller (Microtree)
Joseph Heitman grad student 1989 Rockefeller (Mycotree)
David Greenstein grad student 1983-1989 Rockefeller (GenetiTree)
George Pieczenik post-doc 1972-1975 Rockefeller (Cell Biology Tree)
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NATHANS D, NOTANI G, SCHWARTZ JH, et al. (1998) Biosynthesis of the coat protein of coliphage f2 by E. coli extracts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 48: 1424-31
Muir RS, Flores H, Zinder ND, et al. (1997) Temperature-sensitive mutants of the EcoRI endonuclease. Journal of Molecular Biology. 274: 722-37
Michel B, Zinder ND. (1989) In vitro binding of the bacteriophage f1 gene V protein to the gene II RNA-operator and its DNA analog. Nucleic Acids Research. 17: 7333-44
Michel B, Zinder ND. (1989) Translational repression in bacteriophage f1: Characterization of the gene V protein target on the gene II mRNA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 86: 4002-4006
Heitman J, Zinder ND, Model P. (1989) Repair of the Escherichia coli chromosome after in vivo scission by the EcoRI endonuclease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 86: 2281-5
Michel B, Zinder ND. (1989) In vitro binding of the bacteripohage f1 gene V protein to the gene II RNA-operator and its DNA analog Nucleic Acids Research. 17: 7333-7344
Greenstein D, Zinder ND, Horiuchi K. (1988) Integration host factor interacts with the DNA replication enhancer of filamentous phage f1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 85: 6262-6266
Jakes KS, Davis NG, Zinder ND. (1988) A hybrid toxin from bacteriophage f1 attachment protein and colicin E3 has altered cell receptor specificity. Journal of Bacteriology. 170: 4231-8
Russell DW, Zinder ND. (1987) Hemimethylation prevents DNA replication in E. coli Cell. 50: 1071-1079
Zinder ND. (1986) Single-stranded DNA-containing bacteriophages. Bioessays. 5: 84-87
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